PEOPLEAdmin Admin2020-07-21T07:33:57+08:00 YOU DON’T TAKE A PHOTOGRAPH, YOU MAKE IT Through its workshops and training programmes, ELSA has met with thousands of different smiles and people. Here is a snapshot of some of them. MORE FROM THE ELSA PHOTO COLLECTIONAdmin Admin2020-07-14T13:05:13+08:00 WORKSHOPS Gallery WORKSHOPSAdmin Admin2020-07-21T07:10:15+08:00 ASIA THROUGH A SCOPE Gallery ASIA THROUGH A SCOPEAdmin Admin2020-07-21T07:35:47+08:00 LANDSCAPES Gallery LANDSCAPESAdmin Admin2020-07-21T07:33:57+08:00 PEOPLE Gallery PEOPLE
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